22 Apr 2013

Hestia...goes to Art School

So it came to pass that I found a life-drawing class for me and my buddy to attend at the Glasgow School of Art.  Of course, I realise that PAYING to walk through those hallowed doors is not quite the same as getting in under your own merit, but I'm not letting that put me off.

We get to Glasgow and book in to our accommodation.

My Day Carer was in a similar apartment downstairs.  This is mine.  It's a studio apartment, at The Whitehouse Apartments on Clevedon Terrace, Glasgow.  Great place to base yourself if you are ever in the city.  There's a wee bathroom and kitchen too.

This was the view from my window:

This is my bag of artist supplies.  All completely virgin.  Like myself *cough*

We were in the Charles Rennie-Macintosh building.  THE place to be.

nicked from The Guardian. Soooreee!

This is me looking up at a light shade from the foyer, where we were sitting, waiting for our tutor to come and get us.  Fancy, eh?

Those images of great artists were done in mosaic and were dotted all around the foyer. I had been very excited, and it suddenly hit me that I was going to have to draw.  And draw WELL.

This is where I stood for two days.  I didn't sit down to sketch once.  I haz to stand up.  My legs were killing me by Sunday evening.

This is where the life models posed for us:

The heaters were really needed - it must get freezing having to stand in the same position for 15 minutes or so, in the bare scuddy.

We were given a hand-out on the etiquette of working with life models - not to touch them, to be respectful of their privacy etc.  Sadly, the sheet failed to mention that I must not guffaw like a pre-teen when the male life model whips off his robe and you are confronted by a male willie.  And it's the first willie that you've seen over 12 years old for six years.

The male model was a beautiful creature.  You know when something is just lovely to look at and you forget that you've only got three minutes to get the pose onto paper? Yeah, that was me.

We were taught lots of techniques to help us get a proper person-like shape on the paper, but it was quite hard work and some techniques I just couldn't get the hang of at all!

Also the tutor was good-looking too.  I know, I sound quite pathetic, but every time the poor soul came near me to improve my technique I started tittering like a GIRL and unable to string two sensible words together.  I am old enough to be his mother.  Almost.  But still, a cat can look at a Canadian, right? :-)

Here are some examples of my work.  These are the good ones.  *impressed faces* on please!

oh lordy, they're all on their sides.  Might be best way to look at them.

Seriously, if you are harbouring a notion to try a leisure course at Glasgow School of Art, please sign up!  The tutors are very helpful and pleasant, the models are a delight to look at..... and you are in the Charles Rennie Macintosh building!!!! Come on, what else do you want?!

If you could go to art school, even for a weekend, what would you choose to study?


  1. This looks fantastic - wow, I'd love to go! And your drawings are good. I'd quite like to learn more about graphic design but as that's probably all on computers, maybe I should choose the standing up/life drawing class (?) Much better for my back.

    1. Even if it is all on computers, you can learn how to do it! Go on - go and find a weekend class at a college or uni near you and get enrolled! Treble dare you :-D

      Don't know about the standing up being good for your back - one lady was inhaling neurofen!

      Ali x

  2. I am impressed, that looks like proper drawing - I admire that skill, it is one I lack.

  3. I love Mackintosh. We once stay just across the road from that very entrance :D

  4. What an inspiring weekend. I'm very impressed there were no sketches of willies.
    At my old art school, our life models were a bit on the old side. Plenty of wrinkles and creases to add complexity. xx

  5. Can't see myself getting all the way up there just for a sketching class, but it's a shame. Sounds like you had a wonderful time, and the drawings are a testament to your skills, as well as the tutor's ;)


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