20 Mar 2012

Hestia's Miscellany

First of all - I hope you all had a splendid Mother's Day in some way shape or form.

I got this:

And here's the miscellany bit....
This is not a furry orange tennis ball - it's Nibbles with his/her cheeks absolutely jam-packed with stuff to take into bed for a midnight snack......

Flowers from my greenhouse - I wish I could convey to you how they smell.  Imagine Elizabeth Arden's handbag interior.....that's how gorgeous they smell :-)

Happy, Happy Spring Equniox chaps!!!!

Yes, it's officially SPRING!!


  1. Ooooh them are *serious* dimples :)

    1. Tartarus has dimples and that Kirk Douglas bum-cleft thing too. In his chin. As you can see, Sonshine has had his hair trimmed since The Photo Of Him With It In Bunches.

      How did things go with DD and DS? Luffly day?


  2. mother's day? you gave me a serious fright, woman! it's not for another 2 months yet over here...phew! also, that's one handsome kid you've got there!

    1. When do you guys have Mothers' Day? *wonders whether she can wangle two in the one year*

      He is cute. But don't tell him or he'll be insufferable ;-)


  3. The boy did good.
    (he has your lovely eyes too)

    1. He did do well! I decided to soak the 'rootball' of the gooseberry plant and discovered that it was basically a twig with two half cm long roots about the thickness of an eyelash. If it dies, there will be TWUBBLE.

      Ali x

  4. I'm glad you were treated properly. Sonshine is a lovely boy to remember.

    Slight concern over Nibbles.
    Are you sure he/she won't explode?

    I don't know about Elizabeth Arden's handbag, but my Mum's handbag always smelled of old lipstick and makeup powder.

    My Aunty's always smelled of Gin.

    1. I was aiming for a sort of powdery, light perfumy sort of thing. But now that you mention it, I think the inside of MY handbag smells of scallops and rollmop herrings....


  5. So glad you were so well treated by Sonshine. The boy done good. x


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