16 Mar 2012

Hestia and Tartarus....the Big Bad Wolves of Parenting

Lying in bed this morning, listening to the rain chuntering down through the downpipes and splattering on to the driveway from our neighbour's roof, we heard what can only be described as a Bit of a Bang from downstairs.

Sonshine was up and padding around in his dressing gown and stripey socks and we had heard him humming a little hum to himself as he disappeared into the kitchen to make his breakfast.  This is usually half a packet of breakfast cereal and 3/4 pint of milk or, a smaller bowl of breakfast cereal and some lightly warmed bread with an inch of peanut butter and jam.

There is always a glass of orange juice, diluted with tap water.

The noise sounded EXACTLY like a glass of orange juice thunking off the floor and depositing its contents up the back door, the walls and carpet.

Of course, we have been known to be wrong, so we continued to lie chatting about the horror of the ladies sitting behind me at The Descendants last night (more of which in another post).

When we deigned to grace the floor-head with our presence about quarter of an hour later, we discovered a large sticky puddle in the kitchen, some light orange juice redecoration up the back door and wall....... and this at the side of the sink:

No, not the knife and a teaspoon - a broken glass.....and a note.....

I couldn't be fagged joogling around the image, so just twist yourselves sideways to read it.

I blame Tartarus because he's a Big Bad Wolf most of the time.  But I am not completely blameless myself, what with being Hestia, our Lady of almost Perpetual Menstruation (And Attendant Grumpy Moods) quite a lot of the time.  

*hangs head in shame*  I did have a go at Sonshine yesterday for doing something wrong when he was trying to help me.  Even as I said it, I knew I was being unfair, yet I didn't bother to apologise.  Isn't that awful?

Parenting.  I think my P45 is in the post.


  1. At least he says "Sorry". Mine just denies all knowledge with an "It wasn't me!" Git!

    1. It was the Don't get angry that really got us. I felt like a HEEL!


  2. don't feel like a heel - he didn't clean it up!
    and anger in parents is what kids expect, it would mess them up otherwise. it teaches you ninja skills and people skills and expression reading skills, and all manner of useful stuff. if you were nice all the time like the stupid north american sitcoms tell you to be, you'd be raising an arrogant little ijit with a giant self-esteem and no care in the world for anybody but himself. believe me, the streets here are full of that kind and we don't need a ny more.

    1. He did TRY to clean it up ( we found half a roll of kitchen paper in the bin!), but wee boys are crap at cleaning up. I am hoping that he takes after his father in the cleanliness stakes, but I rather think he is taking after his mother. Slattern that she is ;-)

      I can't bear these Little Emperor kids that you find these days - like success is their RIGHT. Although, it remains to be seen whether daddy's (or mommy's!) money CAN assure them of the future they feel they are entitled to!

    2. Amen.
      It wouldn't be normal in our house without the odd rant or two (or three). 99.9% from me.

  3. Sonshine found the button and pressed it :-)Good job, Sonshine ! :-)

  4. There's something really endearing about Sonshine's notes (still giggling about his order for 'the usual'!). Don't worry that he thought you'd be cross - it seems quite a normal thing to me and if I'd done the same I'd expect my fossils to have got a bit cross (I wasn't as smart about leaving sweet notes!).

    Know just what you mean about Little Emperors - I dread to think what adults they'll make. They should bring back national service LOL - and start with all those horrid football players who seem to me to be the Root Of All Modern Evils!

    Dying to hear about the ladies who sat behind you! xxx

    1. Do not get me started on footballers - their pay packets are obscene.

      You mean you want to hear about The Ladies Who Did Not Get the adverts and who told us all. After every one? Just wait until Monday :-)

      Ali x

  5. Ah, I dont think it shows you are big bad wolves. I think it shows you get angry when stuff goes wrong. His half-hearted attempt at cleaning up redeems him somewhat.

    I can't wait to hear about the cinema.

    1. Christ - hope I haven't set the bar too high with the cinema thing lol!

      Ali x

  6. I ca remember the times I know I should have apologised to my children, and haven't, (because I am worried perhaps about creating a Little Emperor), sometimes for years.

    1. I believe in apologising when in the wrong. Even to kids. But not to my mother. That would be simply UNBEARABLE :-D

      Bet your kids are FAB!

      Ali x

  7. That's so sweet! I love Sonshine's notes. I used to be scared to death of my Mum when I was little, too. Not because she was evil or anything, just that I was so terribly clumsy. xxx

  8. I can't believe you were clumsy! I was clumsy too - I once pulled a suitcase off a shelf and twatted myself on the head with it. My mother just looked at me as if I was someone else's lol!

    Ali x

  9. What a sweet wee clumsy boy.
    Give him a cuddle and prolonged lessons on clearing up. Don't worry, he'll learn. It only takes about 30 years for blokes.

  10. Dear Ali, loved this post, and all the comments - and what Polish Chick says in partic ; I think you must be doing a great job as parents as Sonshine said sorry, so nicely, (loved his little torn off bit of kitchen roll, soooo sweet) and also HE OWNED UP - did not hide broken glass - very brave and honest of him. In his place I would have probs tried to hide glass down my trousers...as a kid I was ALWAYS having disasters - once washed Mum (aka The Whacker's) contact lens down the sink - managed to capture them using hanky over drain in front porch, then just popped them back into the jar they were soaking in - how she escaped a galloping eye infection beats me...and then there was the time the car key broke off in the ignition...or the time I dropped the car key down a drain in a carpark...ANYWAY I TURNED OUT OK DIDN'T I? didn't I? (where has everyone gone??? anybody?)

  11. my son asked me the other day why I felt it neccessary to blame him for every broken, dented, scratched, scarred thing in our home................being as how not everything was his fault!!x


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