14 Aug 2011

Hestia's birthday cake

My 48th birthday cake, as marzipanned and iced by Sonshine's own fair hand.  

Shhhhhhhh don't tell him.


  1. He's better are icing than I am! Sonshine should be a baker!

  2. Best time machine cake ever.

    Sarah xxx

  3. Bless him! With that cake and yesterday's card I think you have the most adorable child in the world. x

  4. is that a very small cake or are those unusually large candles?

  5. Ali -

    He can decorate my cake any time - I like to have the years taken off! :)

    He did an excellent job - life is good, and this is a memory keeper! :)


  6. If the savage Scottish weather ever sweeps you off your island, dear sonshine would be very welcome here - what a top son! Happy Birthday dear - may you have many more! xxx

  7. That really is very good - icing can be pretty tricky. As for the age thing, is this part of the charm he inherited from Tartarus? Cxx

  8. Not just a sweetie but clearly a gentleman too, shaving off a couple of years of a ladies age. You have taught him well!! Hope you had the best day xx

  9. Bless him, he's done brilliantly! Icing is, as my eldest might say "well hard" to do. You can read it and everything, as well as it being sweet and gallant.

  10. Dear all - isn't he FABULOUS?! The cake WAS very small. It was a victoria sponge slice from the Co-op, cunningly cut in two and sandwiched together with strawberry jam. Lashings of apricot jam glued the marzipan to the sponge and the icing to the marzipan.

    It's the loveliest cake I've ever had :-)

    And his icing is miles better than my effort on HIS cake!

    Ali x

  11. What a wonderful son you have, he's a real star. x

  12. He's a wee smasher - when we're both looking the same way. When we're head to head (eg tidying his room or debating whether Minecraft is a good thing or not) he can be a little swine!

    Ali x

  13. ooh I'm much older now too...we almost share a birthday...I got breakfast in bed from the son, and flowers and Nat. Portrait gallery membership and 3 weeks break while he goes to Sheffield so I can miss him...he's going to make a lovely boyfriend one day...happy birthday xx

  14. Mrs YaH - that sounds just lovely. I get a bit upset at the thought of Sonshine being a 'boyfriend'. *eep* I may be coming over all Bette Davis.....

  15. Happy Birthday Ali, what a fab cake! xx

  16. Blighty - thanks! How did you enjoy the Guy Martin film?! I have a bit of a notion on him. But I don't know why. I think in real life he would drive me bonkers.



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