18 Aug 2011

Hestia and Sonshine - back to school

Forgive me while I air-punch and run around the house naked but for a pair of rubber gloves and a party hat....THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS ARE OVER!!!!!

It's not that I don't love Sonshine with every fibre of my being, it's just that, well, they do get a bit irritating sometimes.  Like sand in an oyster.  Like a wasp in your lager. Like thrush.

Every day for the past six, long, long weeks, every sentence uttered by Sonshine is prefixed by 'Mum.....you know' and then insert randomly 'that Lego set/transformers/ minecraft/warhammer/song/cartoon'

Of course, I will have no IDEA what he's talking about and have to feign interest in the latest fad until a respectable amount of child-burbling has taken place (with appropriate noddings and smilings from me) and I think that I can turn back to what I was doing.

As from yesterday, the house is my own again!

Happy, frabjous day!

That said, I did mooch around the house in a lonely fashion for a bit after lunch, wondering whether he was having a good time.....

Anyway, here is the traditionally crap 'Back to School' photo:

Yes, he has a head like a burst couch, but he wants to grow his hair and I decided a long time ago that hair was not something I was going to do battle for.

Are yours back at school or still hanging round the house like the smell of last week's kippers?


  1. Ali -

    LOL I am sure that you are already aware of this - Sonshine is quite a nice looking young man. I predict very "interesting" junior high/high schools years ahead! A few too many interested young ladies, methinks!


  2. oh, you make me laugh so much - you've put it so well!

    still kippers here, though since the traditional, annual nosedive of motivation that is the hell of week 4 we've been really ok, and its actually fun all hanging out together.

    still, I know that come sept 1st I will be shutting that door and punching the air. but maybe not in the outfit you've described...;) x

  3. 3 more weeks for me, but have farmed them out to MIL for one ;-)

  4. Mine are well and truly gone and I really miss that time, but as far as local schools are concerned I think there are another 3 weeks left! I do remember when they were home though liking the week day lie-in and no trekking off to clubs etc etc

  5. Mine are stinking .. I am not sure if its kippers or sweat... they have been off since June and go back September 5th !!!

  6. Ah yes, the lovely aroma of stale kippers *looks in cupboard for air freshener*. 2 more weeks of bedlam, then a few shandy's might be consumed to celebrate.

  7. Lovely photo - I have no kids but my nephew (I think he is my nephew, or at least will be wehn I marry his uncle next year) is back and very excited to be back and seeing his pals again.

  8. he IS a handsome lad!

    i have none of my own (or anybody else's, for that matter) so my house is perpetually kipper free... well, except for my occasional foray into kippered snacks (very occasional, as of late).

    it always cracks me up, seeing how happy parents are to get rid of their beloved offspring come september. makes me, dare i say it? smug! then again, when i'm old and alone and living out of a carton underneath a bridge whilst you are being lovingly tended by sonshine, well, it'll be your turn to be smug, i guess.

  9. Bonnie - thanks - he seems to have inherited all our finer points!

    Trashsparkle - roll on 1 September!

    Viv - yep I'd like you to step away from the meat-cleaver ;-)

    Mrs P - the advantage of staying somewhere small - he can get to all clubs by bike!

    Wildernesschic - it's hormones. I'm dreading the hormone training shoes *shudder*

    Legend - we shall drink shandies together lol!

    Siobhan - I *love* the idea of marrying an uncle. That sounds quite decadent.... :-)

    Polish Chick - I labour under no illusions about what will occur at the fag-end of my life, so no smugness from me ;-) it will be pissy knickers and lager shandies for one, i think. Having a child is no guarantee that you won't be on your own and I'm sure he'll bugger off without a backward glance when the time is right! :-)

    Ali x

  10. Bonnie - thanks - he seems to have inherited all our finer points!

    Trashsparkle - roll on 1 September!

    Viv - yep I'd like you to step away from the meat-cleaver ;-)

    Mrs P - the advantage of staying somewhere small - he can get to all clubs by bike!

    Wildernesschic - it's hormones. I'm dreading the hormone training shoes *shudder*

    Legend - we shall drink shandies together lol!

    Siobhan - I *love* the idea of marrying an uncle. That sounds quite decadent.... :-)

    Polish Chick - I labour under no illusions about what will occur at the fag-end of my life, so no smugness from me ;-) it will be pissy knickers and lager shandies for one, i think. Having a child is no guarantee that you won't be on your own and I'm sure he'll bugger off without a backward glance when the time is right! :-)

    Ali x

  11. Hi Ali, I never could understand why my Mother was in such a good mood at the end of the School holidays, she especially enjoyed going shopping for new uniforms, pencil cases etc., now I know why!

    I have quite enjoyed the sound of children playing in our neighbours gardens this Summer, normally in parts or rural France it's like the child catchers been round but come the Summer Vacances, Grandchildren return from the likes of Toulouse and Bordeaux to reconnect with their Grandparents and their rural roots, I shall miss them when they are gone.

  12. Those school trousers only ever look like that for the first week!
    Ours still have a few more weeks to go:(

  13. I don't comment very much any more Alison (lack of time), but I'm still reading and you make me laugh every time xx

  14. Dear Alison - You are, as usual, entirely on the money! No matter how much one loves one's children, one can have too much of a good thing. Mind you, the homework can drive a mother to drink - my eldest wants me to help with factors and the youngest wants help with Spanish composition. Am heading for drinks cupboard... love Lindaxxx

  15. Linda - thanks! And have one on me when you get to the drinks' cupboard!

    Penny D - thanks for your kind words - I know how tricky it is to find time to comment on everything. I fail miserably!

    NS - they looked like that for the first DAY!

    Dash - EVERYTHING would sound wonderful sitting in your garden. The tinkling laugh of small children, the joyful shouts in french. It's a whole other ballgame when they are shouting in Scottish (punctuated with the odd expletive). Thank GOD they're off the streets until 3pm most days now!

    Ali x

  16. My hand is still hovering over the shovel and eyeing up the possibilities of the vegetable patch becoming a shallow grave for mine. Roll on September 6th!

  17. Ania - don't kill them. Even though they would fertilise the ground beautifully, don't kill them. You'll need them for weed-pulling duties!


  18. Feel some pity for the poor bloody teachers that have another excrutiating term to look forward to.

    You've had him for 5 weeks. They've got him for 40 weeks.

    At least they get paid (a pittance)


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