5 Mar 2012

Hestia ...has baking success. At last.

Fourth time was clearly a charm.

Tartarus has pronounced it 'Damn Tasty' which is the ultimate accolade.  And I can confirm that it is a gorgeous slice of sharp lemony moistness.  The cake equivalent of Dorothy Parker.

Please ignore the 70s Holly Hobby cutting board.  I really need to be sponsored by Lakeland Plastics - my kit is so old that it probably wasn't even mine to start off with lol!

I worked out why the camera was taking everything in 'soft focus' - the lens was smeared with butter  *guilty face*


  1. Very nice Ali.

    What exactly is it?
    Lemon Tart?
    Almond Flan?
    Lemon Polenta Cake?
    French Toast smothered in lemon curd?

    It does look nice, and I'm glad that Tartarus enjoyed it.
    Wasn't Kevin a bit jealous?

    1. TSB it is a most tasty cake made with 6 eggs, 250g ground almonds, 250g caster sugar, 3 lemons (boiled until soft, pips removed and whizzed to tiny shreds) and a teaspoon of baking powder. This is my fourth attempt - the other three attempts were catalogued elsewhere in The Larder.

      It's a Claudia Roden recipe originally for Oranges, not lemons. But I luff a spot of lemony goodness :-D Kevin knows nothing about this. He's still there - checked on him yesterday. Still no mould :-D

      Ali x

  2. yaaaay you ! *does Kermit wavy arms*

  3. I am suitably impressed! Your perseverance has paid off, well done you!
    Butter on the lens, you say? I might try that for my photos, I could do with a bit of soft focus some days... xx

  4. It certainly gave things a bit of a glow.....but I faffed about with the settings for AGES before I actually took a look at the lens itself - manky, absolutely manky!

    Ali x

  5. Ah, the well known butter-lens.

    The cake looks delicious. Almonds and lemon are a yummy combination.

    1. Butter on the lens fairly does the job if you want a sort of outer glow effect, Rubbish for photographing popeye!

      Ali x

  6. It looks very tasty - perseverance can work!

    1. I may have to make it once a month just to make sure that I neffer forget how to do it, Siobhan!

  7. I cannot believe that it it has taken me four goes to get it right, but it IS damned tasty!

  8. I'm catching up and you've gone and turned into a foodie blog - who'd have thought? Well done looks delish xxx

  9. It WAS delish, but it's taken 4 attempts to make it look delish!

    Can recommend it as a cake!

    Ali x


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