24 Feb 2012

Hestia...has a #brainfail

I went to the supermarket and then the fish shop. Bought some fish, came home.

My hands were freezing and JUST as I wondered why I hadn't put my gloves on when I left the house......I remembered: I hadn't needed gloves when I left the house BECAUSE I'D TAKEN THE GODDAMNED CAR....

Yes. I left the car in the supermarket car park.

Is it just me?


  1. Oh dear, the start of the slippery slope. At least you will have a soft landing at the bottom; I think you are in good company.

    1. When I realised what I'd done, I did stop and have a giggle. May also have muttered to myself. *awaits straitjacket*

      Ali x

  2. blimey that would have been a walk if I had done that - 25 miles away! :D

    1. Not far for me, Emma - but far enough when you didn't need to do it in the first place lol!

  3. to make you feel better, here is an excerpt from a friend's facebook status update this morning:

    "1) woke up this morning to find the trunk of the car wide open, just like I left it. The shovel was still there and so was a lot of snow.
    2) Made it to the gym 15 minutes before class only to find that I left my shoes at home so I had to go and get them.
    3) On the way back got stopped by a Go train for 5 minutes. It was virtually empty.
    4) Found a big box of Edamame right beside the deep freezer this morning, just where I left them 3 days ago.
    Now that the bad karma is all used up I'm ready to start my day, after more tea."

    1. Dear Lord - that made me laugh! I'm not alone. Who are you on FB?

      Ali x

  4. You're losing it woman! :) I'm glad other people have these "senior moments".

    1. We iz going to hell in a hand-cart! Just as well Top Of The Pops is no longer on - I would just sit shouting at the screen at all the bands that I've never heard of!

  5. I once left my car in a field as I had to deliver a tractor to a farm. My father-in-law then collected me and took me home. I didn't notice anything amiss but my (thankfully) observant father-in-law asked where my car was. Yup, left in the field and I probably wouldn't have realized until the next time I needed it!

    1. Get this - when I worked for the local paper it was reported to us that a man reported his car as stolen (highly unusual on this small island) one morning - threw open the curtains one morning, no car.

      He then phoned in sheepishly later on in the day to say that it hadn't been stolen - he had gone to the churchyard to put flowers on a grave and because it was a nice day, he had totally forgotten that he'd driven there and wandered off home.

      I now totally sympathise with this. But at the time I laffed my head off :-)

  6. You are not alone! I kind of did the reverse this week - I was walking with the dog up in the woods, day dreaming away in a world of my own and headed back to the car. Only to find that I'd parked at the other end of the canal and had another mile and a half to walk. I don't know who was more disappointed - me or the dog!! xxx

  7. Poor AliX, welcome to the club. I think you'll find that these little incidents will occur with increasing frequency. My latest was driving with my Beloved to our local shopping centre, and we went to do our separate errands. I drove home vaguely wondering where she was.

    Her phone call to me ½ hour later should have been recorded to illustrate; confusion, memory jolt and exceptional bad language (on her part) Ah well, we develop strategies to cope. My strategy is to ask my Beloved what I've done wrong before I do it.

  8. wow..... that's a real mittens-on-string moment...... I've lost a few things but never a car!!! xx

  9. I do stuff like that ALL THE TIME. Thank goodness I don't have a car!

  10. I do stuff like this a lot. I get called to the kitchen asking why the phone is in the fridge.

  11. Dear Ali, it is not just you. The other day I was getting in a tizz as I could not find my glasses; "have you seen my glasses" I shrieked at Boy 2; "They are on your head" came the world weary reply. Humbling. xx

  12. Apparently not. I've left the car in Seattle and got the ferry home before, and I lose the car on the ferry all the time.


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