13 Feb 2012

Hestia and The Valentines Day Card Massacre

Dear Reader - we have an update on the Valentine's Day Card position, people - SONSHINE HAS RECEIVED A VALENTINE!!!!

It arrived in the post on Saturday morning and to say that he's ecstatic is really playing it down.  He's SO excited.

Who could it be from?

Swear to God it's not from me.  Nor his gran.  *crosses heart, looks sincere*

We suspected that it was from someone off island because the address missed out our town, but included the post code .... and I thought that this omission/inclusion would have been from someone who was copying the address down.

I *know*.

Can you imagine what it's like watching Taggart on the TV with me on the sofa next to you?

The opening credits are just finished rolling and I make my guess  'Him - the charity chugger with the burned neck - it was HIM.'

I iz always right.  This fact does not make me happy.  It makes me avoid Taggart, Morse and the rest of them like the proverbial dose of the clap.  I LOVE it when MY suspect dies twenty seconds before the first commercial break. THEN it gets interesting.

I did this the other night while Juno (my mother) was down visiting.  Five days, friends, FIVE DAYS. The visit itself is worth a blog post, but I need to let my stress levels simmer down to Fukishima Radiation levels.  Actually, I'm exaggerating.  It was fine.  But still worth a blog post lemme tell you!

Anyway, I'm digressing...

Sonshine and I carefully peeled the stamp from the envelope to check for initials underneath the stamp (nothing).  We scoured all surfaces of the card for any tell-tale biro indentations that might be initials or a clue or ANYTHING.

Man, we were ALL over that correspondence like CSI Glasgow.

There was a little pome inside - typed - cut out and carefully glued in place.  But no real clues to the sender....

My Taggart senses were telling me something......

I jotted off a missive on Facebook.  Confirmation was received.  I know who sent the Valentine.

Well, it was the Charity chugger with the burned neck, of course....

*hisses* you don't think I can tell you HERE, do you? *the WALLS have ears and the 11-year old has EYES*

btw - sorry about the lack of posts.  I have been busy elsewhere.  With a new blog project.  Which you won't be interested in because it's about Tarot.  But I'll tell you anyway.  It's called THIS Game of Thrones (cos it's aaaaalllll about Tarot Court Cards - which are notoriously hellish to get a grip of).

I have now baked the Claudia Roden lemon and almond cake THREE times and it STILL doesn't look as lovely as Faux Fuchisa's.  But that's a blog post for another day too....

Hope that you all had a fablas weekend.  Am off to investigate your blogs :-)


  1. Oh how lovely :-)You iz marginally better looking than Horatio, though :-D xx

  2. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I'd completely forgotton it was that stupid day again.

    That means I've got to buy a bloody card for my Beloved before I come home from work tonight.

    You might just have saved me from a week in marital purgatory.

    I'm such a romantic.

    Well done to Sonshine, and I think it's a good idea to keep up the mystery. Now he can look at all the girls in his class in a new light. Keeps the heart going.

    1. Might I recommend a card that walks the tightrope between mushy and downright filthy? Nothing too cute with wee koalas (or whatever it is you have on your valentine cards down there).

      Also, book a table for two at a nice restaurant for Saturday night coming. That should keep you in teh good books.

      I mean a table for the two of YOU. Of course.


    2. Actually, I ended up in sending a romantic txt message.

      But I did bring home a fish supper. *smug pride*

  3. ...hope he doesn't work out that Clean Amy probably doesn't know his address ;) x

    1. We established from the outset taht it wasn't from Clean Amy. She sits next to him in class now and he has become an expert on all things Amy - including handwriting ;-)

  4. Blimey, nothing gets past you, does it? Sonshine's NEVER going to have any secrets, is he?!
    Never know, there may be more where that came from!
    And how's YOUR Valentine quota??!!
    I will get less than Sonshine, that's for sure! xxxxxxx

  5. I'll get NIL Valentine cards, but am not bothered really. My dad once got 13 cards all in the one day. Even if my brother and I added together all the cards we had EVER got, it still wouldn't be as much as that.

    We know when we're licked lol! Anyway - women of the world like us would rather have a tenner to spend on stuff we love :-)

    Ali x

  6. I'm frantically trying to make a Valentine's card for Jon as I catch up on blogs, why oh why do I leave it so late every year?
    I'm so happy Sonshine got a card, that's going to be one more than most of his class mates, that's for sure. x

  7. It WAS the chugger with the burned neck - I remember that one! Robbie is in Corrie now and I get very confused, expecting him to bring all attractive women in for a thorough questioning....

    Glad about Sonshine and the Valentine - of course, Amy might be cleverer than you think and have got a friend to write the address and add a deliberate mistake to confuse you. Have you sent the stamp to the lab for DNA analysis?

    That cake sounds delicious!!! xxx

    1. Mrs E - it surely WAS that chugger! My mother was disgusted with me - there was Robbie and Blythe wandering up a street towards a couple of chuggers and I said ' it was that one.' and lo! I was right. Furious didn't cover her response when we sat through the whole thing just to see whether I was on the money or not lol!

      Cake tasted lovely. But left arse of it in pan *sigh*

  8. Was it Clean Amy I wonder?

    I got one, an electronic one.

    1. Congrats on the valentine *looks innocent*

      It wasn't from Clean Amy, that much I *can* say :-)

      Ali x

    2. Oops, sorry, you did say that above to Trashsparkle.

    3. Electronic valentine has scrambled your brain, Looby lol! Ali x

  9. ah ha....you have a lucky boy.....after an extraordiary week of unexpected pleasure actually had dinner made for me last night....while living in New York I met Claudia Roden's ex-husband who's son-from-much-younger-current-wife played 'soccer' with my son!!!x

    1. Did he tell you how she made that bloody cake?! :-D

  10. Ah Bless! I received a card but unfortunately omitted to send one.Dog house and all that:(

    1. ooooh you got one?! I think that you could send a card anyway - saying how much you appreciate all his hard work and all that jazz. One should never fall out with chef!

      Ali x


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