29 Jan 2012

Hestia......reviews BBC1's Birdsong

Final tally:  8 absolutely sodden paper tissues and a face that looks like it has been stung by a jar of bees.


Now. Go and read the book.  Buy tissues.  LOTS of them.


  1. Hahahaha - what a great review! I saw the trailer and thought looked like Downton for people with brains. I might try the book - I like to cry at my own pace! xxx

    1. Mrs E - it is like Downton Abbey and War Horse's bastard love child, but with many more meaningful looks, weeping soldiers and tiny French heaving bosoms.

      It's exactly the sort of thing that the beeb does so beautifully.

      Ali x

    2. Heaving Bosoms? Now you've got me interested

  2. Oh I've not seen it yet... but I absolutely love this review, genius my dear! Not sure I want to be bee-stung/that teary but going to have to watch now ;)

  3. will be on the sofa with a bar of salty dark chocolate catching up tonight............ would like to spend the week on my sofa, unfortunately Slough beckons tomorrow!!!x

  4. Mrs E - Downton for people with brains, ha ha, I don't have brains or class my television tastes as high brow, I love TOWIE and the Khardashians but Birdsong was amazing, loved it!

  5. Didn't see it and haven't read the book (I know - the shame...) but when my friend said her very manly non-weeping man got tearful watching it, I thought I should catch it. Or maybe read the book first. (Instead of trashy crime thrillers all the time!) xxx

  6. It hasn't been broadcast in NZ yet...Thank Goodness.
    Heaving bosoms...yes please.
    Romance...over my dead and decomposing body.

    Did Sonshine watch and enjoy it?
    Did Kevin?

    Glad you enjoyed it.

  7. I'm intrigued as the book did nothing for me. Really nothing. And I was obsessed with that time period when I read it so I would have expected more.

    Maybe it is worth giving the TV series a go?

  8. I read and loved the book. I have watched the first part of the adaptation and love it so far - we are saving the other half for this weekend. I am told I will need many tissues!

  9. That's a great review, short and to the point! I have Birdsong recorded but not watched it yet, I read the book and have to say I couldn't stomach the trench scenes (feel guilty because I know it really happened to men at war) but I did enjoy the story - although I have not read any more Sebastian Faulks - I'm afraid I prefer to be uplifted by my reading material.

  10. Helloooooo there peeps! Yes, it was very distressing in places adn I found some bits difficult to watch. There were a LOT of brooding silences and meaningful looks. Eddie Redmayne's cheekbones could cut diamonds :-)

    Ali x


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