20 Jan 2012

Hestia and The Differences Between Us - Part 2

Here's a little quiz for you.  Nothing too strenuous:  Can you tell which two shelves belong to Tartarus and which two shelves belong to me?  I'll rephrase that to give you a clue:  Which two shelves belong to the anally-tidy man of the house and which two belong to me?

It's a tricky one.....

I must also put my hand on my heart and tell you that I have been interfering with that bottom shelf of Tartarus's since he went back to sea - technically it's Sonshine's shelf too. Hence the fairly untidy nature of it with cough bottles,  manicure sets and Oprex :-)

Ignore the Anusol on my shelf.  It's not mine.

Neither is the facial hair-bleaching kit.

Did you see The Differences Between us, part the first?  See - and marvel - here.

Sometimes I think he goes to Mexico just to get away from the untidiness......

What about you? Got any places in your home that clearly show the differences between you and your other half?

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. My poor poor DH lives tidy & clean all week, then comes back to a house full of fur and noise .....

  2. I am the queen of clutter. My home looks like the White Knight's recipe for sealing wax....
    But, to be fair, my husband is worse really. If he does a DIY job, things are just thrown around, left in heaps.
    I also think that since we moved from a much bigger house with huge garden, garage and outbuildings to a small 3 bed end of terrace with no garage and little storage space, I can be excused. Having lost 1/3rd of everything, I would prefer to be a packrat rather than a Spartan squirrel!

    1. Viv - I think that untidiness is a sign of a creative mind. And no amount of external tidying up will ever fundamentally change that inner clutter that a creative person has :-)

  3. My lodgers are very tidy and I'm glad they are because it makes me up my game. Left to myself a steady process of entropy of muddle and mess happens, which gets worse and worse, until one day (often late at night, for some reason) something snaps and I have a mad hour or so of tidying and cleaning.

    Repeat ad infinitum...

    1. You probably get to your own 'slovenliness' high-tide level and anything after that cannot be tolerated. I DO think that living with Tartarus HAS lowered my own high-tide setting, a little. But he still picks up bits of fluff off the carpet and what not. I just tramp them into the tufts of pile. He's UBER tidy.

  4. I'm lucky and live on my own - no one to make me feel bad!!That said I have no one to blame for the untidiness and no excuse either. The boyfriend is immaculate like your hubby, hence I'm resisting moving in together ha ha have a fabulous weekend xxx

    1. I bet you're quite tidy......but seriously, we DO fight about tidiness levels in the house. I can happily ignore something quite large, like an elephant in the corner, while he gets into a lather about the spice rack not being in alphabetical order :-)

  5. Ours like your first post is the bedside table. Mine had a fairly neat top shelf and bottom shelves filled with boxes, the boxers in turn are filled with postcards tickets and all sorts. Also hair straighteners, chargers and whatever else I have no idea where to put. And jewellery. And a dress in a box.

    His has practically empty bottom shelves and the top shelf has the clock radio, a stack of partly finished books and his childhood teddy bear.

    I try not to think what either set says about us.

    1. You're quite tidy, Siobhan, I'm impressed - your stuff's in boxes - that would be PROGRESS for me!
      He's still got his bear? That is SOOOOOOOOO cute!

  6. Most people consider me to be quite tidy. That being said, my Dear One is another of these strange anal male creatures. He takes it rather to extremes, though. Last night he was out on the p*** with mates, so this morning I get up to find our dish-drying-racks and chopping boards have all been put in the dishwasher, for an extra clean (he does the water filter jug and the cutlery stackers monthly, too). Another time, after a boozey night out, I got up to all our son's toys having been re-organised - balls in one box, small toy cars in another, larger toy cars in a third - and boxes having been stacked neatly behind the sofa. It's just freaky!!

    1. We may be married to the SAME MAN!!!!!!! That is exactly the sort of thing that Tartarus would do, well, maybe not after a night on the slates. I think that Tartarus's night on the slates might be a bit more, erm, INTENSIVE than your hubby's. Tartarus comes home after a night out and he can't remember which wall the light switch is on....loses his command of the English language (let's face it, it was shaky anyway)....and sometimes falls asleep on the loo.

      But if he could get the dish drying racks into the dishwasher he would SO do it!

  7. Desks are the big indicator for us. Mine is always spotless, Dave's is a mass of wires and used tissue, sweet wrappers and the odd mug, and various flyers for stuff. One day I will find something living in there. I make him do a proper clean once a year.

    1. You are a tidy but creative soul - that's unusual, I've decided. You are FORCING yourself to be tidy, when really, you want a desk like Dr Dave's!

    2. I have to be tidy, because if the two of us weren't, we'd live in a pit. My teenage room (about a foot deep with clothes/magazines/make-up) would be ample proof!!

  8. despite being 21 my son still excells in extreme-teenage-bedroom-chaos so he can never point the finger at me. However, I find the trick is to artfully arrange your mess...........I believe in style over cleanliness ( 4 years at art college etc etc.....) as a means of disguise for my own slovenly ways!!x

    1. Yah - I wonder if I could get away with that approach here 'artfully arranged mess'? Sounds better than just 'random clutter' which is my current approach :-)

  9. I recently heard the term "floordrobe" for the way teenagers keep their clothes, and unfortunately every now and then that is exactly how I keep mine, and how he keeps his too!! It's truly shocking and I hate it, but it arises for me when I have those can't decide what to wear moments or when I can't be bothered to hang away when the bed looks so inviting moments. For him it is just second nature.

    1. I used to have a floordrobe, but Tartarus just took all my pile of clothes and opened my wardrobe and chucked them in. He still does that if I don't put my ironing away fast enough!

  10. I'm surprised you admitted publicly to fiddling with Tartarus' bottom shelf.

    Isn't that illegal under Scots Law?

    As far as differences go in the TSB household, all you have to do is to go into the garage.

    I've got all of my tools pinned up on the wall above my workbench, with my sliding circular saw at one end, and my pillar drill on the other, with a good strong vice in between.

    My Beloved's area could well be confused with a land-fill site.

  11. They both look pretty tidy to me..


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