28 Apr 2011

Hestia..... muses over the Royal Wedding Dress

I wonder what Kate will wear tomorrow? Whatever it is, she's such a pretty girl that it will need to be truly dreadful to make her look bad.  Dear Reader, gird your loins, I am about to attempt a Fashion Blog post.  Sort of.

It seems that Diana is to be at the centre of things - which is only right and fair. But let's be honest, Diana's dress looked like she'd slept in it.  My first thought on seeing her standing outside the Abbey in her crumpled gown was 'Miss Haversham'.  And look how THAT marriage turned out......

So fingers crossed that she doesn't need Diana's ring AND her wedding dress style tomorrow.

Hmmm - what would you like to see Kate wearing when she alights from her Daimler, or Mini Metro or whatever it is she's using for her transportation to the Abbey?

Aside from the see-through dress that attracted her Prince's interest in the first place, I suspect that Kate will be desperate to look regal.  And for me, looking regal is not about getting your bosoms 'shelved out' in a strapless wedding dress.  Or your arms for that matter.

I hope that she will look a bit like one of these:

Grace Kelly - commoner - shows them how to do it
Even if Grace Kelly was less than demure in real life, her dress is beautiful - nipped in waist, long sleeves, high neckline. Lace.  That's On Trend.  Or it was.  I can't keep up.......

Princess Margaret - my all time favourite Royal Bride
Princess Margaret was the racy younger sister and even she looked absolutely beautiful on her Big Day.  Katie would suit this upswept do as well.  Although it would probably need to be a bit softer to look contemporary. Again, slender waist, high neckline.

The Queen *Hestia does a little curtsey thing*

The queen has never really been much interested in fashion.  Blessed of a substantial bosom, I thought she looked absolutely wonderful in her army uniform - long skirt and sensible shoes.  That's her look.  And her wedding dress had to befit a queen.  
Looking at these pictures again, The Queen and Princess Margaret look impossibly young, don't they?

Here's the Queen Mother - but Kate will need to wear some kind of crown, this veil is too dated looking as it is.

Even Mrs Simpson's frock, or a variation on it, would look lovely on Kate.

Whatever she wears, please God, don't let her look like this.  I'll be republican before her glass slipper hits the pavement outside the Abbey.

I have been invited to a tea-party complete with marquee on the lawn, cucumber sarnies and hats.  And if my Royal Wedding Cupcake arrive in the next post,  my Artisan Kitchenaid will be making Commemorative Cupcakes.

So, tell me - what would you like to see Kate Middleton wearing tomorrow?  Let's see who's on the money!!!


  1. Hi Ali, well done on your fashion post, I think Kate will go for something with very clean lines on the bodice and soft and flowing but not two wide on the skirt but I am sure there will be some kind of avant garde twist, she will be aware that after the wedding she is going to become Britain's no 1 fashion icon and I think she will want to make her mark starting with her wedding dress. Like everyone else I can't wait to catch the first glimpse of the dress, I will be eagerly perched on the sofa in the snug dressed in my lounge suit (dressing gown and slippers) hopefully with a glass of Champagne in hand.

  2. Would love to see her in an elegantly simple dress. Princess lines, white silk with a very faint opalescent sheen to it --- drat, I could draw it much better than describe it. Mostly, I'd enjoy seeing her in whatever makes *her* feel most happy and beautiful. And God/dess blessings to them both! They are going to need it!

  3. No, she won't be strapless, though with that figure, a boned tight bodice would look ab fab on her. My money is that she may well go for the strapless style but with a long-sleeved lacy coverup - either integral or as some sort of shrug or jacket with a high neck, but still allowing a glimpse of flesh. That's what I'd have done for her. It will definitely be classic and elegant, none of this awful crumpled meringue that Di had. Possibly a lace train as well.

  4. Oh, and I don't think she'll wear virginal white. It'll be ivory, cream, champagne, platinum or some pretentiously named off-white like that

  5. EXcellent fashion post Mrs Larder! I love the Grace Kelly dress and Princess M, agree totally about the creasiness of Di's dress - and it was just tooo huge for her, the sleeves - it looks as if it is swallowing her up... I hope Kate goes for something slinky and streamlined and classy with long sleeves...I think it will be fitted to show off her slim figure, must go.... hostess duties!! xxx

  6. I'm hoping for something that isn't strapless - so bored of strapless wedding dresses. I think she'll pick a classy sort of design with a little modern twist.

  7. OOOhhhh! It's rivetting - only one more sleep til we all go a bit crazy. Wonder whether she'll go with an unknown or a big name designer?
    I'm definitely more of a royalist than when I sat out in the garden rather than watch Di's wedding. And should I 'fess up about not standing up for Margaret at Sadlers Wells once? Well, she was INCREDIBLY late, and I just thought it was a bit, y'know, arrogant. So me and my friend stayed in our seats. And got thoroughly tutted at by a colonel-type...

  8. Wasn't Di's wedding dress a fright? The old biddies at the Salvation Army reminded me of it when I popped in and said that whatever Kate wore they hoped she'd packed a travel iron in the carriage.
    I can't be doing with weddings or Royals and I'd absolutely love it if she went all gypsy wedding on us and rocked up in a "marker pen" pink meringue with her baps out.
    Have a fabulous party. xxx

  9. Vix - I can imagine you down there with your best charity shop finds, poking and prodding Kate into something vintage, your little sewing machine humming with activity!

    Trashsparkle - well done you. Lateness is not something to be rewarded with a stand up.

    Alex - me too. Part of me hopes it's a massive Westwood confection though!

    Blighty - good luck with the hostess duties. Love your new ballerina pumps :-)

    Jesa - get it drawn and get it blogged or FB'd up so that we can take a look.

    Dash - I can just imagine you standing there, looking out over the distant mountains, a glass of something sparkly, you looking all elegant tousledness..... *jealous face* <- but in a nice way!

    Ania - perhaps even something with a tiny blush of colour about it?

  10. hey, what's wrong with that last dress?

  11. Lovely post Hestia :)

    I would like to see Kate wandering down the aisle in Alexander McQueen a la Gaga...all horn boots under a rainbow dress of different shades of white (instead of the rainbow)

    Failing that hmmmmmm, realistically. I hope its not Oldfield, that would be too boring. I think a lovely new British designer would be fab.

    We'll have to wait and see, not long now though. Enjoy the party..I shall be at home waving my flag at the telly and munching on cucumber sarnies...still to decide skin on or off (ah the dilemmas of etiquette)

    S xx

  12. This is a great post! Love those old royal dresses - no-one likes Di's frock now, but at the time I thought it was romantic and beautiful (ah, youth!). Catherine is slim enough to rock all the looks, even Wallis', but I reckon she'll go for SIMPLE in a big way. Luella Bartley? She'd do for me :)

    As an Old Lady now, I'm more interested in what Carole (my new style icon) rocks up in - and of course all those glam foreign royals! Can't Wait!!!!!

  13. Dearest Ali, didn't Grace and Margaret look gorgeous? And Jordan looked bloody awful!

    Kate will wear McQueen with Gina shoes. Cannot wait. Follow me and Giles Tweeting it (waffling on) live for LOVE mag here http://twitter.com/thelovemagazine

    Love, C xx

  14. Hurrah! It WAS McQueen :D

    The dress was beautiful, very Grace Kelly. And William managed not to laugh...thought he was going to giggle a few times.

    Love it, I hope they're both very happy xx

  15. I loved it. I was surprised to see her hair down, but it's how she usually wears her hair. Her make up was the same as usual - but I guess it needs to be quite strong so that people can see her properly.

    Her dress was everything that I hoped it would be. And Pippa looked absolutely wonderful. Do these girls ever eat?!

    I adored Camilla's outfit - just wonderful.

    But - WHAT was Princess Eugenie wearing on her HEAD?! Why was Samantha Cameron not wearing a hat?! Tara Palmer-Tompkinson - what was that BLUE thing?!

    Prince Becks looked gorgeous. Thought Posh looked very severe.

    What about you lot? What did you think of the clothes?!

  16. Loved you fashion post - spot on. There were a few shockers there - bless Fergies girls & their fashion faux pas. Kate did look beautiful though, very excited that it was McQueen too

  17. Butterfly - I did think that Fergie's girls made a bit of a mistake with their outfits (especially THAT hat!), but they ARE only young and we've all made mistakes.

    Granted, ours generally aren't at a royal wedding televised before billions worldwide.....

    Ali x

  18. Great post, i can see why it's so popular! Oh, and everyone on blogosphere (me included ;)) is a sucker for nice pictures lol!

  19. I like nice pix too and the don't come any nicer than royal bridal piccies, do they?

    Ali x


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