10 Dec 2010

Hestia's first GIVEAWAY!!!! With Waldo Pancake

Waldo Pancake notebook!
Look - it's m'first GIVEAWAY on the blog and I couldn't be happier for it to be in conjunction with the whimsical boffins of stationery, Waldo Pancake!

If you're not already familiar with the Waldo Pancake range of goodies, please check out my own island connection with them for some images of their range.

Would you like to be in with a chance to win a goody bag of this witty kit?  Yes?!

You only need to do 2 things:

1 - sign up to be a follower of Hestia (there's a button at the bottom of my blog page)
2 - sign up to receive the Waldo Pancake newsletter using this link -> Waldo Pancake and type 'Hestia....and the name that you have used to sign up for Hestia's Larder' in the comments box.

This will enable us tie up the people who are my followers with the people who then sign up to receive the Waldo Pancake newsletter.

The giveaway will run until 17 December and on 18 December, I will use a random number generator on the intertubes to create numbers for all valid entrants and the winner will be notified right here on m'blog on 23 December - so remember and come back or you won't find out if you've won!!!

You will then be invited to get in contact with me to provide your postal details and the nice people at Waldo Pancake will send out a goody bag full of their witty stationery products.

So, what are you waiting for? Get on with it!

Terms and Conditions - the content of the prize will be as allocated by Waldo Pancake. No cash alternatives. Your e-mail details will not be used for any other purpose than for this competition. I think that's everything?  If not, someone can tell me!


  1. Dear Ali, you've reminded me I need to take my poor dead laptop to the menders and get the last eight years of my life recovered!

    I hope you're having a good day. I went out and bought some crystal candle holders and I have them all lit up in a vain attempt to get into the Christmas spirit! When's a good time to call you for a catch up? xx

  2. Hi lovely - I'm around any time next week after 2pm.

    You'll need to get into the Christmas spirit to sing along to my planned Carol Service. Either that or get drunk :-D


  3. Please count me in.

    I am having my first giveaway on my blog - a gift card sponsored by CSN Stores but unfortunately its only for US and Canadian readers!


I'd love you to comment, but I get a phenomenal amount of spam comments on here for some reason - so everything is moderated. But only for spam. Any other comment will be posted :-D