23 Jul 2010

Hestia is....in Engerland

Just a quick one to let you know that I have not forgotten about m'blog.  I have spent two days in Blackpool at The Pleasure Beach and have decided that I am a Complete Woose - but more of that when I get back home to my pc.

I am now in Birmingham for a Conference.  Somewhat unbelievably, a Conference that I've organised. So, to prevent rising levels of hysteria, I have organised a family outing to Toy Story in 3D.  This will ensure that I arrive at the conference venue calm, if a little tear-smeared and snottery.

Am so far behind in reading YOUR blogs too!  There maybe a a little rash of comments from me over the coming week.

Home on Monday - speak to you all then :-)

Ali xxx


  1. Ohmigod I'm from Blackpool! Haven't been for a while - how was it? I hear it's raining up north!

  2. I was once threatened with a trip to Blackpool but my love was undone before we made it....lucky break??

  3. I have to say, I LOVE Balckpool. It does what it does ver ywell and unashamedly!

    It was slate grey and northern when we arrived. Next day...gorgeous blue skies and possibility of heat stroke! Had fab day at Pleasure Beach.

    If your last visit was any time prior to 1965....I'd say it hasn;t changed much at all.

    You must all excuse me. I've been in the bar for an hour. Normal service will be resumed shortly after the belly dancing....

    Ali xxxxx

  4. I've never been to Blackpool, it is so far away from Kent...

  5. Ooh I am so glad you have not been blogging much recently, I have had nightmares! Mainly with the computer, Grrr.

    Ah Blackpool have some stories!!!!!
    Birmingham on the other hand, hate the place I once ended up there by accident and could not get out, ended up on the hard shoulder, weeping.

  6. LFIYF - It's about as sophisticated as a blue slush-puppy :-)

    Dash - computer trouble? Are you all sorted out now? I have been getting VERY antsy because at both the hotel and the Conference centre, Virgin would not let me log in to pick up my e-mail. Technology is a marvellous thing when it works, isn't it?!

    Ali xxxx


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