30 Jul 2010

Hestia is - a Beautiful Blogger ;-)

I am running so far behind myself with my blogging that I can no longer see my wobbly ass jogging ahead of me.

Some time back, Viv at Kismet's Companion nominated me for a Beautiful Blogger award.  I got to know Viv when I signed up as a complete rookie for training when I joined TABI (the Tarot Association of The British Isles).  Since then we have become firm friends, even though we have not clapped eyes on each other since 2005!  It just goes to prove that the friends we make on-line can truly become real friends, even though you may never meet.  I look upon it as a sort of pen-pal thing for the 21st century.

Viv's blog is a clever combination of Tarot cards as imagery and the ongoing trials and tribulations that make up life.  And knitting, there's lots of knitting.  I am the proud owner of a beautiful scarf that Viv knitted me - so am longing for the Autumn weather to set in so that I can go out for a scuff through the leaves wearing my Cat's Paw design scarf.

She also makes soap, but because of the vagaries of  Health and Safety, she isn't advertising them - yet. But I hope this will change in the near future as I love using her soaps :-)

I'm supposed to tell you 10 things about me that you might find surprising.  I don't have a single thing about me that any of you might find surprising, to be honest.....

1  I am the Chairman of The Tarot Association of The British Isles.  I told you that the other day - so no surprises there then! 
2  I am learning to play the keyboard with my long-suffering tutor Frank.  Latest tune: Only The Lonely.  It doesn't matter whether it's Abba or an Irish jig, I only have one speed: funereal.
3  I would rather read a book than have sex.  Unless I'm sharing a bed with Mr Clooney.
4  I love burlesque - the whackier the better! Like this from Little Brooklyn
5  I perform random acts of kindness - but you must NEVER be found out or it doesn't count :-)
6  I like tap dancing even though my body and feet move at different speeds from each other
7  My favourite food is sashimi sushi
8  My favourite films are:  Some Like It Hot, Fried Green Tomatoes, Brief Encounter and Wall-E.
9  My two favourite novels de jour are:  One Day (David Nichols) and Precious Bane (Mary Webb)
10 My favourite fruit - banana :-)

Now I believe that I must nominate 10 blogs to be recipients of The Beautiful Blogger Award.  It's so tricky so forgive me if you're not on the list!

2 French Sampler
3 Tired Dad
4 Fashions Most Wanted
5 Non-working Monkey
6 Belgian Waffle 
7 Trying to look fab in your forties
8 The Harridan
9 This Girl Is
10 That's Not My Age

It was so difficult trying to pick 10, but honestly, I check everyone in my Blogging Gods and Goddesses list on a daily basis (sometimes several times a day!) - so feel free to check out any of them.  I really wanted to nominate A Doctor's View but he's stopped now - which is a shame because he was hugely entertaining!  If I haven't nominated you, it's not because I don't love you with every fibre of my being, but just because I've got to stick to 10!

Ali x


  1. Hey Ali,

    Thank you so much for the Beautiful Blogger award, much appreciated. I'm always dead chuffed when someone nominates me, I'm just a bit crap at answering the questions/passing it on. Must try harder!

  2. LOL that's certainly a mix of films :-) but Brief Encounter ??

  3. Ali,
    I liked reading your fun facts. I'm glad you didn't nominate me. I stopped accepting awards because they take up so much time.

    Have a terrific weekend!



  4. Dearest Ali, thank you so much for my award. I have done it twice and Mrs Trefusis has also nominated me but I will try and think of some things I haven't already shared without totally incriminating myself!

    The keyboard sounds hilarious... I loved Brief Encounter, Some Like It Hot and Fried Green Tomatoes, haven't seen Wall E but I'll check it out.

    I have ordered One Day and I'm looking forward to reading it. I hope your husband doesn't read the blog after the sex comment, made me laugh out loud though.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Love C xx

  5. Ali, I love you. I still want to be you when I grow up!


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