1 May 2010

She's Always a Woman To Me

I love the John Lewis ad, it makes me feel all weepy - here's the people behind it.

Happy Beltane everyone!

Ali x


  1. Happy Beltane to you too Ali! I love that advert.

    What are you doing to celebrate?

  2. It's a bit of a full weekend effort! Last night had friends for dinner and this evening we have friends for dinner.

    Tonight is that ancient Scottish traditional dish, lasagne ;-)

    Might put up the recipe at some point.

    What about you, what are you doing? Gigging?

    Ali x

    oooh word verification: - Scottish onion - ingen

  3. This video is fantastic! It had reduced me to tears the first time I saw it! I must download that song! :)

  4. Emma - I think that it is Fyfe Dangerfield (from the Guillemots?) singing this version.

    Ali x

  5. It's such a lovely video! I liked the last one the same ad agency did for John Lewis, with Taken by Trees singing Sweet Child O Mine. I blogged about it got the song on iTunes. Hope you're having a lovely weekend Ali xx

  6. Love the advert, seeing behind the scene takes away the emotional impact. Song is still great Thank you for sharing


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